Social Committee member Maureen Spence prepares a pitcher of mimosas for guests at the Villas 2 Valentine Brunch.
Villas 2 Valentine Brunch
Susan Fusco
The HOA 1 Activity Center was the location of a Valentine Brunch on Saturday, February 11, hosted by the Villas 2 Social Committee. As residents of the Villas arrived they were treated to mimosas by the Social Committee. The room was festive with hearts, table decorations and flowers and food tables at the front of the room were soon laden with wonderful treats, all contributed by those who attended. There were casseroles, salads, breads and desserts in abundance. Residents helped themselves and then went back for more of the delicious food. Conversation and contentment filled the room as everyone satisfied their appetite and enjoyed the company of their table companions.
There was more to come. A raffle was held with four prizes for the winners. Prizes were contributed by Susan Fusco and Phoebe Bax. The lucky winners were Deb Kresnicka, Tony Ingle, Bob Lindner and Gary Nuss.
Residents had been invited to contribute to a very special baby shower in conjunction with the Valentine Brunch to benefit SaddleBrooke Troop Support. Military mothers with financial needs who were expecting a baby were the beneficiaries. Those who attended the brunch brought baby clothes, towels, quilts, hats and booties, lotions and many other necessary items for babies, as well as cash donations. All contributions were spread out in a colorful array in testament to the generosity of Villas residents as well as their thanks for the sacrifice of military families.
The Valentine Brunch and baby shower made a wonderful combination on a beautiful afternoon.

Fira, Phil and Ted outside at the Depka Snack and Chat; photo by Ron Talbot
Unit 27 Activities
Sue Case
Unit 27 wasted no time plunging right into social activities this year: both Ladies and Couples Bridge; a Not So Gourmet dinner; a Snack and Chat and a Dine Around as well as a unit meeting once or twice, followed by dinner. Whew!
The first Snack and Chat of 2017 was hosted by our new neighbors Jeff and Eileen Depka on Friday, January 27. Although the weather outdoors was brisk, it was a beautiful evening and several of the hardier attendees spent at least some of their time outside taking in a beautiful sunset. The turnout was large resulting in lots of varied food selections, set out in two rooms. The initial food line snaked from one room into another, circling a table of food before snaking back out where more food awaited. It was a very interesting way to get us all together before we went off in various directions with our plates full of food.
The February unit meeting was held on Monday, February 6 and Bruce Homer, the newly appointed Captain of our HOA 2 SaddleBrooke Patrol, was our guest speaker. He gave an update on what the Patrol has been doing and answered questions. Well, in some cases, he didn’t so much answer questions as he did mediate discussions among unit residents who had differing perspectives on certain issues! As is the custom after the meeting, most attendees retired to the Bistro for a group dinner.
Fira Stout hosted the Dine Around at Dominick’s Real Italian in the Cortaro Mall on Tuesday, February 21. The staff was very customer friendly and had tables reserved for the 22 unit residents that attended. One resident commented that her Chocolate Martini was the best she had ever tasted. Everyone said their food was very good. For starters, some had the Italian soup and others had Caesar salad. For entrees some had pizza, others had spaghetti or other pastas, including lasagna. Fira, who can’t eat spicy food, ordered the wild caught salmon and said it was superb. She did, however, manage to take a Tiramisu dessert home in a box. All-in-all, a fun dinner for all. She and co-coordinator, Janie Grinstead, are already thinking of places to hold the next Dine Around and everyone appreciates their work on the unit’s behalf.
Unit 3-S Happy Hour & BBQ
Brenda Newitter
Unit 3-south gathered at the new Roadrunner Grill patio for a February Happy Hour and BBQ on Monday evening, February 6. The Catalina Mountains were the perfect background with their peaks covered with snow. Although the evening was cool and windy, it was warm outside on the patio with the overhead heaters operating and the new fire pits warming everyone up. The BBQ was a delicious chicken/ribs buffet with pumpkin pie for dessert! Everyone enjoyed the food, new patio and their SaddleBrooke neighbors.
Unit 42, 43, 45 welcome neighbors
Bonnie Barazani and Sidonia St. Germaine
In the past year The Preserve has welcomed the arrival of many new residents. As a way to help them get acquainted with neighbors, a brunch was held in the East Room of the Bistro on February 12. There were 36 residents in attendance for the lovely buffet. In addition to a delicious array of breakfast goodies, the custom-made omelets were a big hit.
The residents gave a brief background of themselves as they were introduced. Two of the couples lived next door to each other but this event was the first time they had met. The Preserve has events to welcome newcomers and returning snowbirders, monthly happy hours at The Preserve Restaurant and many other events.

Donna Infald, Chef Levy, Judy Rogoway
Ladies Luncheon at Feast
Andrea Molberg
Doug Levy, chef and owner of Feast Restaurant at 3719 E. Speedway in Tucson, did indeed provide a feast for the Preserve Ladies’ Luncheon on January 20, 2017. Twenty-seven women attended this event which Judy Rogoway and Donna Infald arranged.
Every month Donna and Judy bring new and long-term residents of Units 42, 43 and 45 together in at a different restaurant or resort. The women dine in a private room and often have a meeting with the chef or a tour. Stories are swapped, new restaurants are explored and friendships are deepened each month at these fun gatherings.

Left to right: Linda Warfield, Shirley Newman, Bonita Nitcher, Betty Little, LaVerne Tucker, Sally Anderson, Josie Emanuel, Kate Friesen, Stephanie Cady and guest speaker Gaylynne Redford
Unit 5 Tea Event
Linda Nagy
The Unit 5 Ladies’ Tea held on January 27, 2017 was special in many ways. The event hosted by Martha Jenkins at her home on Rolling Hills Drive, boasted a record turnout of 32 ladies. All attendees were treated to an abundance of sweets, fruit, breads, brunch casseroles and more. Tea was served by host Martha Jenkins and her long-time friend Shirley Newman, originally from Great Britain. The theme of the tea was Queen for a Day so everyone received tiny pink tiaras to wear. “It was such fun wearing the tiaras and having a tea party just like we all were little girls again,” said Martha Jenkins.
After the tea, motivational speaker Gaylynne Redford, a native of Arizona and Tucson resident, gave a presentation on Happiness. Ms. Redford began studying and researching positive psychology after attending a course many years ago. Now, she and her husband work with 18 to 30-year-old single young adults through a Christian organization. She outlined with large note cards the many simple attributes of happy people, such as: Happy people eat right and exercise. Happy people get enough sleep and count their blessings when falling asleep. Happy people go outside and enjoy nature. Happy people hang with other happy people. Happy people are grateful. Happy people are giving. These were just a few of the ideas reiterated by Ms. Redford. Another thing, happy people eat chocolate, so a basket of foil-wrapped chocolates was passed for all to take and enjoy then or at another time when needing to boost one’s spirit.
During the talk, Betty Little, 88 years young, was voted Queen for a Day and given a crown, robe, rose and scepter. The tea was a very enjoyable and uplifting experience. The ladies who attended relished the camaraderie and found for the most part, that they were indeed happy people.
Lottery helps military family
Sidonia St. Germaine
This past Christmas, one of the military families helped by Units 42, 43 and 45 needed some extra help. As mentioned in a previous article, in addition to Christmas gifts, money was raised to help them with their rent and utilities.
The following letter from this family was recently received by Bonnie Barazani and Carmen Worley.
“Good Morning Mrs. Barazani and Mrs. Worley,
I hope your holidays are going very well. Please I would like to tell you what happened to me and my family. Yesterday I went to the store to buy a few small must have items for the house, so I got what we needed and as I got outside of Target there was a man handing out scratch-off lottery cards. He gave me one and wished me happy holidays. I thought nothing of it and I put the ticket in my purse. After lunch I went to get Cindy’s meds and saw the ticket so I took it out and gave Cindy her meds. Cindy had asked if she and Mandy could take turns scratching the card off so I told them yes. They finished scratching off the card and left it on the table. Rob was outside doing yard work keeping busy. He came inside and saw the ticket on the table and tells me that why did I waste money buying scratch-off ticket; I told him I didn’t buy the ticket and then told him how I got it. He picked up the ticket and starts yelling, “you’re kidding right, this is a joke,” and that the ticket is a fake. I go to him, snatch the ticket from him and it shows we won $5,000. I start jumping up and down. We stopped and looked at each other and said it had to be fake so Rob took it down the street to the QT (Quick Time) and sure enough it’s real. Bottom line of my story is that we are now debt free. We paid off our court fine, paid rent and we have our health, children and each other we are blessed. I know that some people don’t have this type of way to clear their debt, this is where companies like CreditAssociates can help, and we were close to going to people like them to help us. Mrs. Worley, we would like to thank you and Mrs. Barazani for all you have done. We were blessed with the funds to pay the rent and still have money left over. I hope your group will touch many more lives as it has touched and helped our family. Bless you all and I will pay it forward as you always tell everyone, Mrs. Worley. Have a Happy New Year.”
It is wonderful to hear good news like this from this well-deserving family. It appears that 2017 is going to be a much happier year for them.