Left to right are our lunch organizer Linda Warfield, Bonita Nitcher, Linda Nagy, Stephanie Mattie, Elizabeth Vaughan and Fran Berman. Not shown are Karen Bettencourt, Ginny Rebmann, Kathy Soerens, Marcia Weitzman and LaVerne Tucker.
Unit 5
Fran Berman
While it was hot outside, the ambiance was warm inside the Olive Garden Restaurant where 11 Unit 5 ladies gathered for our bi-monthly lunch. We all dove into the all-you-can-eat salad bowl (not literally, of course). Some chose the newest lunch special, which resembled an Italian quesadilla. Others went for more traditional fare. A few even indulged in dessert—a taste for the eyes as well as the palate.
Unit 5 women gather every other month for lunch somewhere in the Tucson area. On alternating months, one of us hosts a potluck morning coffee. We don’t take a break for summer; this social schedule continues all year.
Each month we plan other activities for all Unit 5 residents. In June we enjoyed jazz night at the MountainView Bistro. We’re looking forward to visiting the Reid Park Zoo and Tohono Chul Park later this year as well as special events in SaddleBrooke. Unit 5 alive!

Photo by Dennis Marchand
Unit 49
Lan Bedard
The Unit 49 Memorial Day celebration at the Mesquite Grill attracted 101 people, many dressed in festive red, white and blue. They came to visit with neighbors and friends and feasted on delicious barbecued hamburgers and chicken prepared by the MountainView staff. It was a fun-filled evening where new residents had a chance to introduce themselves and received a warm Unit 49 welcome.
The highlight of the evening involved guessing what mysterious item was under the domed tent. Shawne Cryderman revealed it was her own birthday cake which she generously shared with everyone! Thank you, Shawne!
Many thanks go out to the Unit 49 Social Committee for another special gathering.