New owners in Unit 20 Villas
Ed Sand
The annual mid-winter dinner for Unit 20 Villas was held in the Roadrunner Grill with nearly a full house as most owners, renters and guests were present. The event was hosted by Noreen and Pierre Fabinski with the welcome given by former board member Ed Sand. This was an important event to introduce the new owners of villas. They are Ron and Sue Spaniol, Dave and Sue Sliepsick, Paul and LeAnn Ellingson, Bill and Barbara Katz and (front) Ted and Jan Deschamp.

Joe Wilz, Noreen and Pierre Fabinski, LeAnn and Paul Ellingson, Linda Schwinn, Dennis Hill, Penny and Bob Rauzi, Barbara Sullivan, Sue and Ron Spaniol, Brenda and Dick Robertson, Georgie Hourigan and Ranger Jack McCabe; photo by Ed Sand
Unit 20
Ed Sand
Ron and Sue Spaniol organized a hike to Romero’s Ruins in Catalina State Park for HOA 1 Unit 20 villa owners and guests. The day, Thursday, February 18 was gorgeous and everyone was excited for the docent-led hike with Ranger Jack McCabe. Ranger Jack provided much information about the Native Americans who lived, hunted and farmed in this area.
He also pointed out shards of pottery along the way plus samples that he had collected while working in the park nearly 20 years. He explained the type of housing Romero had plus what the climate and reasons for building in the locations were. Along the way plants, trees, cacti, animals and reptiles were explained.
After the hike a wonderful lunch was had at the Olive Garden.