All the pretty senoras
Lynne Kumza
It all began with many pairs of dancing feet. We danced to the rhythm of Latin music. We danced until we could dance no more. Our Tres de Mayo Party began at the ballroom at HOA 2 clubhouse. Music was chosen by Terri Gage and dances were led by several of the talented and experienced members of the SaddleBrooke Line Dance Club.
The second half of our party was celebrated at the “bella casa” of Barbara Humphrey in HOA 1. Muchas gracias, Barbara, for sharing your beautiful home with all our hungry dancers.
The Mexican fare of tacos and taco salad was prepared by Shirley Miller and Lynne Kumza. Terri Gage, our talented and smiling bartender, served the refreshing margaritas. Brownies and lemon squares were baked by Shirley Miller and consumed by all.
To end the party our host, Barbara, passed out blank sheets of paper and colored pencils as we sat around the tables. We were all wondering, “What are we going to do now?” Each person drew a figure on the blank sheet and passed it on to the next person until the once blank paper now filled with very strange art work, ended up at the starting point. A lot of snickering and laughter ended our party as we examined the “wandering art work.”
Come dance with us, come party with us, come and be friends with us. All are welcome to join in on the never ending fun. You can have all of this for only $10 a year. For more information about the SaddleBrooke Line Dance Club, dance times and locations and more, check out our website at sbldc.weebly.com or contact Terri Gage at 262-8304.