Trap Trials update

Remember to keep Friday, March 3, 2017, open for the seventh annual Robson Trap Trials being held at the Casa Grande Trap and Skeet Club. We have had a good response so far and are not limited to the number of participants at this time. This event is open to men and women from all of the Arizona Robson communities.

Sign-in at Casa Grande Trap and Skeet Club will start at 9:00 a.m. The shoot will start at 10:00 a.m. There will be three rounds of trap shooting followed by lunch, awards and door prizes. The cost is $55 for shooters and $15 for lunch for non-shooters.

So come out, have some fun and food and represent your community.

For more information and registration forms contact: Lori Klug, Quail Creek, at, 520-625-3700.