The Wellness Integrated Network Reschedules ‘Laser Therapy’

Jennifer Vermilyea of Laser Wellness of Tucson

Barbara Barr

Due to a lack of available rooms, the Wellness Integrated Network (WIN) will reschedule our July program to Friday, Aug. 5, at 1 p.m. in the MountainView Ballroom. In August, WIN proudly presents “Laser Therapy.” Jennifer Vermilyea of Laser Wellness of Tuscon will share the many benefits of laser therapy. Approved by the FDA and highly researched and studied, laser therapy or light laser therapy can be used with a number of injuries and medical conditions.

Vermilyea began working with laser therapy more than 10 years ago. She is certified by both the Academy of Laser Dentistry and the World Clinical Laser Institute for multiple lasers, utilizing multiple wavelengths to accomplish superior results with a wide spectrum of procedures. While Vermilyea began working with lasers for dental issues such as TMJ, TN, oral mucositis, as well as herpetic gingivostomatitis, today she works with doctors and orthopedic surgeons on a wide range of sports injuries and medical conditions. I can give you my own testimony of the success of laser therapy to help me recover from a fall. Their programs are free to the community, and reservations are not needed.

In addition to our “First Friday” program each month at the ballroom, WIN also offers small group classes on a variety of topics. Our upcoming small group classes are usually held in our homes and include:

Meditation (complimentary and in person)

Note the change in day and time: Each Friday at the Agate Room of the MountainView Arts and Crafts Complex.

8:30 a.m.: Instruction for new, registered attendees

9 a.m.: Meditation

New class members must register at

Introduction to Essential Oils (complimentary)

You’ve been hearing a lot about essential oils but don’t know how to get started. This is your “Easy” button to get off to a great start.

Tuesday, July 19, at 1 p.m. in the home of Barbara Barr. Register at for directions and map.

First Degree Reiki Natural Healing Class

Date: Friday, July 22, and Saturday, July 23, from noon to 6 p.m.

Class is limited to six people at the home of Patti Gould. Register at for location.

Wellness Wisdom (complimentary Q & A)

Your questions about wellness and study of collagen!

Friday, July 29, at 1 p.m. at the home of Barbara Barr and Saturday, July 30, at 9 a.m. on Zoom

Register at for directions and map.

To learn more about our classes and get the latest updates by email, contact to get on our email distribution list. You can also contact Barbara Barr or Patti Gould at or call 520-339-7400.