The passing of the gavel

Left to right: Assistant Governor Mary Strauss assists outgoing President Doug May as he passes the gavel to the incoming president, Barbara Barr.

Left to right: Assistant Governor Mary Strauss assists outgoing President Doug May as he passes the gavel to the incoming president, Barbara Barr.

Stephen Argentati

The Rotary Club of SaddleBrooke recently celebrated its annual Passing of the Gavel ceremony, where past president Doug May “passed the gavel” to the incoming president, Barbara Barr. Barbara has been a powerhouse rotarian for many years, and we are excited to begin the new year with her at the helm! The assistant governor of Rotary District 5500, Mary Strauss, was there to celebrate the occasion and announced that the club will be receiving an award that will be presented at the district conference. The Rotary Club of SaddleBrooke continues to grow its membership and positively impact our local community year after year. Come join us for lunch, learn how you can get involved and start truly making a difference in your local community!

The Rotary Club of SaddleBrooke meets weekly and has an array of fascinating programs and speakers on many different topics. We welcome the community to come learn with us. We post our speakers and programs in advance so that the community members can visit and enjoy learning with us. Sometimes, community members like to join us for lunch, (we begin ordering about 11:15 a.m.), and sometimes they just visit for the program, which usually begins at about 12:20 p.m.

The Rotary Club of SaddleBrooke is an award-winning club, packed with energetic volunteers of all ages coming together as friends in Rotary to assist area schools, our community and international philanthropies. Rotary is open to those who live and work in SaddleBrooke, SaddleBrooke Ranch and surrounding communities. If this sounds like something of interest to you, come join us for lunch on Thursday at the SaddleBrooke One Clubhouse. If you are interested in our programs and speakers, we always welcome the community to come learn with us! For more information, contact Wendy Guyton at 520-404-5712 or