How beautiful!
Wanda Ross
Here it is 2023, already 23 years after most of us remember welcoming in the new millennium. Oh, how the time does fly. This is a call to action to do the things we love to do now while we enjoy them, to enjoy our lives, and make the most of every day.
Golfing ladies, you may like to join the SaddleBrooke Lady Niners. Every Tuesday morning, we golf in friendly nine-hole games at one of the three SaddleBrooke golf courses. Each week we award prizes to the golfers with the lowest net scores in each flight, usually 12 ladies. These are net scores, so our best golfers often win, but some with high handicaps also earn cash that is credited to their SaddleBrooke One golf accounts. What fun to have that money for Pro Shop shopping later. Many of us gather together at the RoadRunner Grill after golf. This socialization opens the doors for wonderful new friendships.
Throughout the year, we have many invitational golf events. We start the year with a Founders Cup to honor our founders. For Crossing the Brooke, we golf with the MountainView/Preserve Lady Niners. We play with the Men’s Niners League for the Niners Unite Tournament. Our Ladies Choice event is fun. Each lady invites a man of her choice (not her husband or partner) to play with her. We have an event with the Sputters where we golf and they putt. We golf with the SaddleBrooke Women’s 18ers Golf Association in a tournament called the Ladies Amalgamated Golf of SaddleBrooke (LAGOS). The name is more challenging than the golf day!
We enjoy our Invitational Tournament, because we invite other nine-hole ladies’ groups from across the state. We like meeting other golfers, and they enjoy playing our beautiful courses. At our November tournament, we thank our wonderful sponsors for their support. In December we hold a holiday event to celebrate the year and share our blessings with our local Golder Ranch Firemen. All our special events include wonderful lunches at the Vistas Restaurant, which we decorate for the occasion, and often add to the fun by wearing costumes or other themed attire.
Our more serious tournaments include a four-round State Medallion. The winners play in a state tournament in the fall. Our Club Championship winner has the lowest total gross score over three rounds of golf. Our Presidents Cup is held over four rounds of golf later in the year.
Join us for lots of golfing fun. Dues for 2023 are only $105. This includes the Arizona Golf Association dues and your Golf Handicap Information Network handicap card. Go to www.sb9ers.org/how-to-join.html for more details. We welcome our new members with open arms, fun golf games, and plenty of camaraderie.