The British Club Visits The Gaslight Music Hall

The British Club at The Gaslight Music Hall

Mary (Twink) Gates

Roaring Twenties Review!

The Wildcat Jazz Band performs the music and dance of the Roaring Twenties, and 14 members and two guests of the British Club got into the swing of things at The Gaslight Music Hall where the band was performing on Aug. 18. Some of the women broke out their flapper outfits, and some of the men sported their fedoras.

A very enjoyable and fun time was had by all, celebrating a fascinating bygone era watching the Roaring Twenties dancers and listening to the music of Louis Armstrong, Bix, Fats Waller, and more. Everyone thanked Twink for organizing this fun event.

For membership information, contact Eileen Sedgwick at 520-834-4142 or [email protected].

Membership is open to any person who was born in Britain or The Commonwealth or holds or has previously held a British passport and is a current homeowner of SaddleBrooke One, SaddleBrooke TWO, or SaddleBrooke Ranch. The member’s spouse or partner may be of any national origin.