The wrong kind of containers

The right kind of Rx containers
Karen Schickedanz
Thank you to the many SaddleBrooke residents who have been contributing clean, empty prescription pill bottles to be repurposed for local animal shelters. Every week a volunteer collects the bottles from the bin at Mezzabyte Computer Store in the SaddleBrooke convenience center and prepares them for delivery to the shelters.
Sometimes, though, there are surprises in the bin, like dog scarves and leashes, batteries, and even someone’s left-over lunch! In addition, sometimes the wrong type of pill bottles are deposited.
So which ones are the right ones to repurpose for the animal shelters? The answer: containers issued by a pharmacist that are free of labels and extremely sticky adhesive substances. If a container is off the shelf, even though it may have a label affixed by the pharmacist, it is not a “prescription” bottle. The prescription containers are used by veterinarians at the local animal shelters to dispense medication for animals in the shelter who are ill or injured.
The animals at Pima Animal Care Center and Pinal County Animal Control thank you!