Steve Hess and Vivian Herman
The Let’s Dance Club salutes the following members for their dedication, time and energy. They will have all taught a series of four week dance classes in 2016. Barry and Linda Moore – Cha Cha; Steve Hess and Vivian Herman – Latin Hustle; Dave Poferl and Mary Borkovec – Salsa; Claudia Booth, Dave Poferl, Tom and Ann Kurtz – Fox Trot; Claudia Booth, Barry and Linda Moore – East Coast Swing.
The mission of the Let’s Dance Club is to foster ballroom dancing by providing opportunities for beginning dancers to learn in a friendly environment. This mission is carried out by dedicated club members like those mentioned above who volunteer to teach the dances in which they are proficient. So far during 2016 all of the classes offered have been filled to capacity.
Because of the success of this approach a great many beginning dancers have progressed to an intermediate level. Classes at this level are also taught by the skilled club members.
The fruits of the volunteer teachers’ labors (and that of their students) will be apparent the night of April 23 when the club hosts its annual semi-formal dance. More information about the Let’s Dance Club and the schedule of classes and events is available at [email protected] or 825-5401.
The Let’s Dance Club and SaddleBrooke Ballroom Dance Club have a combined membership fee of $10 per person per year. Membership gives you access to the activities of both clubs. Updated information is available on our Facebook page, Let’s Dance Club of SaddleBrooke.