H.V. Topspin, Esq.
The replacement of the remaining four courts at the Tennis Center culminated with the opening of all eight courts on May 28. It involved a bit of inconvenience for club members in trying to schedule matches and fun time. But the new walkways, viewing benches between courts six and seven and the fantastic new lights are well worth it. Omelets require broken eggs, after all.
A word about the new lights. The installation of LED lights is not evolutionary but truly revolutionary. In the recent past, outdoor stadium and court incandescence has been generated by sodium-vaper lights and before those metal-halide types. Both of those lighting types require a warmup period and woe to the tennis player who is playing at night and the timer used to shut off the lights clicks to the off position. With the flick of the switch, the lighting is on at full illumination and the great game of tennis can be enjoyed immediately. LED lighting also consumes less energy and has a much longer expected lifetime. These lights will make it much easier to play during the warmer months as nighttime play will be possible even for those with diminished nighttime vision.
The Clubhouse, Too
Along with the four courts being refurbished, the Tennis Center clubhouse is undergoing a makeover with an optimistic completion sometime in September. The clubhouse has evolved over the years to meet the changing needs of the members but it is long past due for a major facelift. Did you know that the desk space where our coordinators so sublimely take care of your every request was once upon a time, the kitchen? In fact, there is a sink under the computer keyboard! Even the cabinets in the office were gleaned via donation from a club member’s kitchen during a remodel. It was discovered that many of the “improvements” to the clubhouse were undertaken as DIY (do it yourself) projects and therefore may not be entirely up to code which will be corrected. This may be due to the parsimonious nature of tennis players (trust me on that one, as the requisite before match “whose can of balls are we going to open” negotiation proves).
The process to get this project going involves the SaddleBrooke One Board House Committee, represented to us by Valerie Malik. Fortunately for us, Ms. Malik’s working career was as an interior designer. She is working with our staff, primarily Linda DePew, volleying design ideas back and forth, always staying within the lines, of course. This team promises no double-faults. Upon the agreement of the final design, it is served to the SaddleBrooke One Board for final approval and funding. Depending on that occurring, the work can then commence. At some point, the Tennis coordinators will be temporarily ensconced in the Fitness Center. Members should not experience any noticeable differences in services, all regular activity will be executed. The net result should be a beautiful new Tennis Center that will be enjoyed for many years.