Taking care of yourself, caregivers, is one of the most important things for you to do every day. Think of what will happen to your loved one if you are not well, you are hurting, or you are unable to be there for the important moments in life.
That’s why we are having Dr. Robert Watson as our guest speaker on April 17, in the Preserve Clubhouse, Room 1, 10 a.m. to noon. Dr. Robert Watson, D.C. and owner of Chiropractic USA, has been in practice since 2008. He is located at 1820 East Innovation Park Drive, Oro Valley. His practice values education, information, and growth of knowledge to make every patient not only healthier, but more understanding of what it takes to stay healthy in mind and body.
So, if you are the caretaker for a loved one suffering from a neurological disorder, such as dementia, Alzheimer’s, MS, ALS, Parkinson’s, or stroke, come to our meeting to learn how and why it is so important to take care of yourself.
Contact Marilyn Sellers at 818-0965 or wwsellers@wbhsi.net for your reservation.
Other questions can be directed to Esta Goldstein at 825-1181 or jsda38@icloud.com.
The next meeting will be May 15.