Denise Cashmore
The MountainView/Preserve Women’s Golf Association (MPWGA) is hosting the annual fundraising golf event “Take a Swing at Cancer” on Feb. 20, 2024. Help support research for a cure for a disease that has or will affect every single one of us or a loved one. Every single dollar raised goes to support the University of Arizona Cancer Center.
Grab some friends to make up a foursome of men and women, or sign up as a single to be paired with others. This fun, afternoon (12:30 p.m.) golf game is a Step-Aside Scramble for a great cause.
Registration begins on Dec. 1 for this non-handicapped golf tournament. Members can sign up on ForeTees, and nonmembers can sign up at The Preserve or MountainView Pro Shops.
There will be a silent auction and a variety of raffle gifts following the buffet in the MountainView Ballroom. Our community donates some amazing items for this fundraising event. With every purchase of a raffle ticket, wine bag, and auction item you are honoring the many individuals of all ages who are fighting cancer and those of our loved ones who courageously lost their battle to this disease.
If you would like to honor someone you know who is battling cancer or has lost their battle with cancer, you can purchase an Honor Sign in their name. Honor Signs are a $100 donation and will be displayed at the tee boxes. Please contact Kim Cox at for details on the Honor Signs.
Do you want to help with the donations or have questions? Please contact the event co-chairs Kathy J. Fox at or Mariallyn Oczak at