Tag: Word of the month

Word of the Month: Hoedown

  David Zapatka Listening to classical music this morning as I do every morning and evening, I heard Aaron Copland’s familiar Hoe-Down classic. I’ve always thought a hoedown was a country-style social gathering with dance and music. Right on track, the upbeat and catchy Copland tune comes from his score to the ballet Rodeo, which…

Word of the Month: Doyen

David Zapatka Friend and fellow table tennis-playing enthusiast, Bill Lewis, exposed me to our word for this month, doyen, in a recent correspondence about long-term expertise in the sport of table tennis. When reading his email and coming across his use of the word “doyen” I had to look this one up. Doyen noun doy·en  doi-ĕn′,…

Word of the Month

David Zapatka This month’s word of the month is a long-time favorite of mine, bliss. I was first introduced to this deep and meaningful word in the early ‘70s when someone explained to me that a state of complete happiness is achievable. The word used for this complete and enduring state of happiness is bliss.…

Word of The Month

Antimacassar David Zapatka Reader and fellow New Adventures In Learning student, Terry Meury, suggested a word for something we have all seen but few would be able to properly name; antimacassar / æntɪməˈkæsə/. You will certainly remember seeing armrest covers on sofas and headrest covers on chairs in your parents’ or grandparents’ homes. You may have…