Tag: State Parties

State Parties – December 2014

Ex-Marylanders to celebrate On Wednesday, March 25, 2015, ex-Marylanders living in SaddleBrooke will celebrate the great state’s 381st birthday with a birthday party at the Mesquite Grill in HOA 2. The festive affair will begin with a cash bar at 5:00 p.m. followed by a hearty buffet featuring Maryland Fried Chicken and grilled chicken breasts.…

State Parties – May 2014

Sandy and Phil Barney, hosts of Montana party

Montana The 2014 Montana party was held on the patio of Sandy and Phil Barney. 54 Montanans, spouses and others with connections to Montana representing all regions of the state from Libby to Miles City, Plentywood to Darby and places in between enjoyed a potluck dinner on a lovely evening. The fabulous cooks provided a…

State Parties

Iowa It is now time to make your plans for the Iowa Party set for Wednesday, February 26, 2014. We have set out the details of the evening and are in hopes you can attend. Originally we had planned a potluck; however, because of the number of people who want to attend, we have reserved…