Candy Armstrong, Fitness, Wellness and Recreation Committee Join us for the annual Recreation and Activities Fair 2018, Saturday, January 27, 2018, 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. in the SBHOA Two MountainView Ballroom. Saturday, January 27, 2018, is the date for the SaddleBrooke HOA Two Recreation and Activities Fair. The event will run from 8:30 to…
Generals, January 2018
Home security and scam updates: 2nd in a series of Community Conversations by the County Attorney

Merna Oakley Join SaddleBrooke HOA Two on Thursday, January 25, 2018, at 10:00 a.m. for a program on Home Security and scam updates. The evaluations from residents at the First Community Conversation indicated they wanted to be aware of how they could ensure their safety in their homes. They also wanted updates on current scams.…
Sports, September 2016
SBHOA #1 Men’s 9 Hole League news and membership campaign
Dick Cook Attention SaddleBrooke HOA 1 and 2 Men! 1. Did you used to play golf and haven’t played for a while? 2. Do you occasionally play golf with your wife and would like to play more? 3. Do you now play with the SaddleBrooke Men’s 18 Hole League and feel perhaps 18 holes is…
Sports, October 2015
SBHOA #1 Men’s 9 Hole golf league news
Dick Cook Attention SaddleBrooke HOA 1 and 2 men! 1. Did you used to play golf and haven’t played for a while? 2. Do you occasionally play golf with your wife and would like to play more? 3. Do you now play with the SaddleBrooke Men’s 18 Hole League and feel perhaps 18 holes is…