Sheilah Britton The image of plump, colorful fruit against a background of verdant green foliage leaves a lasting impression on any visitor to the Southwest who has left a white, snow-covered universe in the midst of winter. There is something slightly liberating about being able to pick fruit from a tree in your backyard, peel…
Tag: Master Gardener
General, November 2020
Dr. Wilder from the Desert Lab to Speak at Master Gardeners Event

Zann Wilson Your SaddleBrooke/SaddleBrooke Ranch Master Gardeners are pleased to bring Director of the Desert Lab at Tumamoc Hill, Ben Wilder, to our Thursday, Nov. 19, online program at 1 p.m. A unique combination of science and culture, Tumamoc Hill is an 860-acre ecological preserve in the heart of Tucson. Its innovative, sustained, long-term environmental…
General, November 2020
Back to the Garden: Mastering Your Garden

Sheilah Britton I was recently awarded the certification of Master Gardener, an honor to be sure, but hardly an accurate description since I am still, and will probably forever be a life-long learner in this landscape. SaddleBrooke/SaddleBrooke Ranch Master Gardeners are university trained volunteers who serve as community educators. We work with the University of…
Generals, September 2020
Join Our Virtual Community Education
Zann Wilson Your SaddleBrooke/SaddleBrooke Ranch Master Gardeners invite you to join our virtual Community Education via Zoom on Thursday, September 17, at 1 p.m. Arizona time. Scott Richardson, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Biologist, will present Backyard Bats. Scott has responsibility over the previously endangered lesser long-nosed bat. Scott first became interested in bats while working…
Features, November 2019
How does your garden grow?
Louise Grabell I have been a Master Gardener for Pinal County (under the auspices of the University of Arizona) since 2005 and recently decided to step away from the formal program. However, I must tell you that this has been one of the more rewarding activities of my retirement years. I began writing this column…
Features, April 2019
Master Gardener Training Course
Carol Crawford The Master Gardener Training Course will once again be offered at SaddleBrooke on Thursdays from 8:00 a.m. to noon beginning November 7, 2019, through February 13, 2020. This is an intensive 13-week lecture series given by local Master Gardeners, guest lecturers from the University of Arizona and other professionals in various fields. Some…
Features, December 2017
How does Your Garden Grow?

Louise Grabell, Pinal County Master Gardener I’m dreaming of a white Christmas—just like the ones I used to know—NOT! Puleeze—no snow, no sleet, no slush for me! What fun going to your favorite garden center in December and buying a fabulous collection of flowers to beautify your home for the holidays. Yes, by cracky, it’s…
Generals, April 2017
Community lecture event and plant sale
SaddleBrooke/ SaddleBrooke Ranch Master Gardeners will feature a Community Lecture Event on Thursday, April 20, 2017, at 1:00 p.m. at the MountainView Clubhouse in SaddleBrooke with Lecturer Debbie Mounce, Retail Operations Manager of Harlow Gardens Landscape and Nursery. Our annual Plant Sale begins at 11:30 a.m. prior to the lecture. Topic: Bullet-Proof Plants: Plants that are…
Generals, February 2017
Master Gardener Program
Master Gardener classes March 6 Basic Desert Gardening will be presented at the Hacienda Club at SaddleBrooke Ranch on Monday, March 6, 9:00 a.m. to noon. Have questions about the basics: soils, cactus, growing natives, frost protection, irrigation and any other issues affecting your gardens and landscapes? Your very own Master Gardeners will be on…
Features, December 2016
How Does Your Garden Grow?
Louise Grabell December already? How did that happen—I was just enjoying my zinnias and marigolds. LOL – nights are getting colder and holiday hams are getting cheaper. Every store is full of plants to brighten your home: poinsettias, cyclamens, amaryllis, Christmas cactus, etc. This is also the time of year when those of us growing…