IJSS and Got a Lake?

Melanie Einbund The Institute for Judaic Services and Studies (IJSS) hopes that our members and friends are looking forward to the Jewish High Holy Days. We welcome Rabbi Harari to our pulpit. The rabbi has been preparing services that will be traditional and informative. Sarah Bolt will be returning as our cantorial soloist. We are…

IJSS: Vacations, Food, and Summer Shabbat

Melanie Einbund The Institute for Judaic Services and Studies (IJSS) hopes that our members and friends enjoy the summer months. IJSS is preparing for the upcoming 2021-22 year. Rabbi Laura Harari will be officiating at our High Holiday services and monthly Shabbat services. She has an energetic personality, is a people person, and has a deep…

IJSS, Celebrations, Baseball, and Events

Melanie Einbund New happenings and changes are in sight. First off, the Institute for Judaic Services and Studies (IJSS) will be welcoming our new rabbi, Laura Harari, to the pulpit. Rabbi Harari will be officiating at our High Holiday Services and continuing with monthly Shabbat services. Rabbi Laura is a dynamic personality, a people person, and…

IJSS news and happenings

Sam Horowitz, Secretary The Institute for Judaic Services and Studies was pleased to sponsor the 13th annual High Holy Days services, and enjoyed the teaching and insights of Rabbi Sanford Seltzer and the beautiful rendition of the High Holy Day liturgy by Cantorial Soloist Sarah Bollt, accompanied by Carolyn Cochrane. We wish all our members…