Can chiropractic treatment help arthritis pain? Craig W. Brue, D.C. This question is frequently asked by patients visiting a chiropractic clinic. To answer this question, let’s first talk about the word arthritis. The word arthritis is derived from two roots: arthro-, meaning a joint, and -itis, meaning inflammation. So the word arthritis means the swelling…
Tag: health
Generals, September 2014
Health Night Out: Confused and overwhelmed by Medicare?

Don Jensen Health Night Out will be held Monday, September 22 at 7:00 p.m. in the MountainView Ballroom. Speaker and Medicare Insurance Educator Gary Anderson will present: Confused and Overwhelmed by Medicare? Medicare Open Enrollment is October 15 to December 7; plan to be present and learn what you need to know before it is…
June 2014
2 Your Health – June 2014
Sciatica: A “pain in the butt” and leg Craig W. Brue, D.C. Sciatica is often associated with pain, numbness, tingling and aching in the lower back, hip, buttock, leg, calf and foot. The sciatic nerve is the longest and largest of all the body’s nerves, running from the lower back (the fourth and fifth lumbar…
May 2014
2014 Health Fair remains at SaddleBrooke One

Phyllis Ketring The SaddleBrooke Health Fair will take place at the SaddleBrooke One Clubhouse again this year. The eighteenth annual Health Fair will be held on Saturday morning, October 18. If you’re looking for a volunteer opportunity that is fun and only requires a few hours of time, the Health Fair is for you. Many…
May 2014
Health Fair volunteers needed
Phyllis Ketring It takes over 100 volunteers to make the annual Health Fair run smoothly. Volunteers work in 90 minute shifts and are asked to attend a brief orientation session prior to the fair. There will be time to visit the exhibits at the fair before or after your shift. The Health Fair needs volunteers…