Tag: events

Spring Grandkids Days April 14 and 15

Once again this spring SaddleBrooke clubs have some great events planned for visiting grandkids and their parents and grandparents, too! Bring your young visitors to any or all of these fun activities! No reservations necessary. Friday, April 14 SaddleBrooke Model Train enthusiasts will display their train layouts from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the…

Art in the Garden April 23

Enjoy a tiny garden with a small water feature and an enormous view.

Nan Nasser Have you ever vacationed at a beach and wandered along the water line looking for/at shells? I have brought home many treasures and then didn’t know quite what to do with them. SaddleBrooke resident Suzanne Stewart knows exactly what to do with those beauties, designing one-of-a-kind pieces of jewelry that will be on…

Health Fair celebrates 20th anniversary

Phyllis Ketring This year’s Health Fair will represent 20 years of successful annual fairs at SaddleBrooke. The Health Fair is one of the largest volunteer-driven events in our community. Please mark Saturday morning, October 14, on your calendars to attend this anniversary event. The Health Fair Planning Committee frequently hears reports that a significant health…

Spanish Culture Club news

The Spanish Culture Club (SCC) of SaddleBrooke is a culture club, not a language club. It is composed of a group of social and intellectually curious Brookers that seek to expand their knowledge of Latin culture within the Old Pueblo and beyond. This is accomplished through monthly meetings that include speakers and tapas buffets, twice-monthly…

Sons of Orpheus schedule

Sons of Orpheus, the Male Choir of Tucson, proudly presents its twenty-sixth annual Gala Spring Concert Series. Under the direction of Founding Artistic Director, Professor Grayson Hirst, University of Arizona (retired), the concert features contemplative, inspiring, whimsical and fun pieces from Beethoven and Chopin to Tom Lehrer to Movie Themes to the Beach Boys. Saturday,…

“Remembering 9-11” Save the Date

SaddleBrooke residents Jim and Joanne Fairweather have a most fascinating story to tell of “where they were” on September 11, 2001. Jim was the Aviation Manager for The St. Paul Companies in St. Paul, Minnesota and his wife Joanne was a flight attendant. They were flying former President George Bush, his wife Barbara and Secret…

SASO Super Season finale is Russian-German-Czech

Punch Howarth A stunning, sometimes explosive, season ending concert in April offers a double dose of Russian, a German masterwork and ends with a Slavic jewel. The concert will welcome guest conductor Anton Shaburov (Sha bur ov) from Russia and fittingly he will open the concert with Russian Sailors Dance by Reinhold Gliere from his…

50s 60s Sock Hop April 27

Wear your poodle skirt and saddle shoes to the next Sock Hop.

Jane Gromelski Return to those thrilling years when we were young. Some of us went to the dances and danced, some watched from the sidelines. Bah to that, we can all get on the floor and dance with our own moves—come and have fun with the music of our golden youth! Sip an alcoholic beverage;…

Friends of SaddleBrooke Libraries

Upcoming FSL author lectures The Friends of SaddleBrooke Libraries 2017 author lecture series continues with several exciting events coming this spring. Many SaddleBrooke residents are familiar with Mark Schwartz and his unique expertise regarding military history. On March 16 Mark’s lecture will be about Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, Japan’s premier naval strategist, who wanted to avoid…