Tag: community

New Preserve Residents Attended a Welcoming Brunch

Raymond H. Goettsch Every year, The Preserve community hosts a brunch for the residents who have moved into the neighborhood in the last year. On Feb. 18, 30 new residents attended a brunch at the home of Bonnie and Fred Barazani and were welcomed to the neighborhood. The guests were offered mimosas, and they met…

SaddleBrooke Squares Celebrates Christmas Together

Mary Klootwyk ‘Tis the season to savor flavors, bask in the glow of pure holiday spirit, discover unique gifts, and commemorate the old and the new. It’s a period of celebrations, remembrance and memory-making, and gathering with family and friends—whether intimately in person or virtually. SaddleBrooke Squares Dance Club did just this by celebrating with…

MPLNiners Golf and Giving

E J Snearly The MPLNiners chose to name SaddleBrooke Community Outreach (SBCO) Thanksgiving Baskets to be their charity during the Presidents Cup golf event held at MountainView Golf Club. The raffle and cash donations benefited the SBCO Thanksgiving baskets that were distributed to needy families in Oracle, Mammoth, and San Manuel. The MPLNiners are so…

Guest Holiday Reminders

Holidays are wonderful times to bring friends and family together to enjoy our beautiful community. There’s nothing like celebrating this wonderful time of the year with those close to you. To ensure your guests enjoy their stay, here are a few reminders of the key rules and guidelines that help make our community a great…