Calling all fur baby mommies and daddies! Did you know that studies have shown that sharing your life with a pet can help you live a healthier and longer life? Well, it’s true! How can you not feel wonderful when you come home and your fur baby greets you like you’re the most important person…
Tag: adoption
Generals, February 2024
SBPRN Adopt-A-Thon
Calling all fur baby mommies and daddies! Did you know that studies have shown that sharing your life with a pet can help you live a healthier and longer life? Well, it’s true! How can you not feel wonderful when you come home and your fur baby greets you like you’re the most important person…
Features, November 2020
Please, Please Adopt Me
Generals, August 2018
SaddleBrooke to the rescue…foster or family needed
Generals, August 2018
Maggie is looking for a few good volunteers

Maggie wants someone to help her market SaddleBrooke Pet Rescue Network. She was a stray found near the Preserve and thanks to the Network she found her ‘furever’ home. This is a Board position and she’s looking for someone who will work very close with the other Pet Rescue Board members by: *Submitting articles/photos about…
Generals, August 2018
SaddleBrooke Pet Rescue Network

The call came in: Hope Animal Shelter has flooded Karyle Steele When we heard that Hope Animal Shelter was hit by a flash flood, the SaddleBrooke Pet Rescue Network went into action to do whatever we could to help. Coincidentally, Network member Mary Joviak had just called with 12 bags of linens to donate. What…
Features, May 2017
Jack needs a new home

Jack’s dad died and his mom can’t give him the exercise he needs so we’re looking for a SaddleBrooke home for this sweetie. Jack is five or six years old, house trained, good with other dogs and loves to walk and play. He takes allergy medicine but is otherwise healthy. Call Leslie at 724-689-9843 to…