Tag: 2 Your Health

2 Your Health: Your Pain Medication Might Be Killing You

Dr. Craig Brue Many patients feel safe because their family medical doctor has prescribed a strong narcotic medication for acute or chronic back pain.  Just because your doctor prescribes a pain medication does not mean that it is either safe or effective. Medications always have harmful side effects. In fact, there are always more side effects with…

2 Your Health

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Can Massage Help? Heidi Overman, LMT #MT-24997 What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)? As defined by Ruth Werner’s A Massage Therapist’s Guide to Pathology, CTS is a set of signs and symptoms brought about by the entrapment of the median nerve between the carpal bones of the wrist and the transverse carpal ligament…

2 Your Health

Massage Therapy During a COVID-19 Pandemic. Is it Safe? Heidi Overman, LMT There is a lot happening right now. We need to wear masks; we need to socially distance; we need to stay at home to stay safe. Anxiety is at a maximum and discerning what you should or should not do is exceedingly difficult. You need a…

2 Your Health: Deep Tissue Massage

Heidi Overman, LMT, MT-24997 Deep tissue massage is often preferred by clients on the table. This type of massage can be very successful in breaking up adhesions, “stuck” fascia,” and chronic muscular holding patterns; increasing range of motion; and decreasing pain. Deep tissue massage usually focuses on a specific problem and can help you with the following…

2 Your Health: The Neck and Headache Connection

Dr. Craig Brue Patients with headaches commonly complain of neck pain that starts at the back of the head and radiates from the upper neck into the forehead area. The headache is often one-sided. The term “cervico-genic headache” means that this type of headache originates because of irritated nerves in the upper neck region. There…