Sam Benjamin
As summer fast approaches and our beloved snowbirds fly the coop for cooler pastures, the remaining approximately 60% of residents need constructive outlets to beat the heat at times. One of the great amenities provided by this glorious place is our renowned Table Tennis Club which has been growing like Topsy. Table Tennis, aka Ping Pong, experienced by many of us in our recent childhoods as a basement recreational activity, is a highly respected sport in Asia primarily in China and Japan and in Europe, especially Germany. It is played worldwide and there are many fine players in countries as diverse as Australia and Iran.
Table Tennis is a more complicated and challenging sport than many people realize making it all the more rewarding when a player improves his or her skills. At our club all players are welcomed with open arms, regardless of their abilities. Many have taken the opportunity to improve through individual, free lessons from nationally reputed members as well as utilizing our state of the art robot machine simulating various competitive situations.
While many of our top players enjoy competing in various tournaments and friendly matches with other clubs, the bulk of our membership enjoys the camaraderie and exercise provided at our very friendly club with state of the art tables used in major tournaments and frequently upgraded other equipment. Not to be underestimated is the comfort, especially in our desert summers, of our year round 72 degree room with shades to block out the sun and multiple safety features. The community and supportive atmosphere, with a good time had by all members, brings real credit to SaddleBrooke and is a tribute to the planning of the Robson’s unequaled reputation for quality communities. Last, but not least, are the social benefits of membership, including the sometimes boisterous, but always refined and controlled, semi-annual parties prized by the membership.
Come and try it out; you will be welcomed like a special guest and made to feel at home regardless of your ability or motivation. Most of the members had not played in many years but their rusty skills are soon brought back to prior levels and even better with resumed play and effort. Sports such as Table Tennis are to be enjoyed in our mature community and the benefits of exercise and socialization to our health are to be celebrated. For further information please feel free to contact Sam Benjamin at 520-825-4259.