Earline Lewis, Mary Toth, Jack Marley, Debra Foster, Terry Stobe, Jack Stebe, Barb McKenzie, Tabitha Yim, Kick Kroese, Tony Ingle, Patti Albaugh and Roger Bogard
Dick Kroese
SaddleBrooke Sunrise Rotary Club was honored and privileged to have Tabitha Yim, head gymnastics coach of the University of Arizona. Tabitha came to the University in May of 2015 after serving as an assistant coach at Stanford. She has competed at the highest levels of the sport and established herself as one of the top up-and-comers in college gymnastics.
SaddleBrooke Sunrise Rotarians were impressed with her charisma and the fact that she is such a wonderful role model for young women. A couple of the women in the audience said that they wished that they had had a role model like her when they were growing up. Tabitha is gifted in inspiring young women who might not have the confidence to succeed to be a success in gymnastics and then to succeed in life beyond gymnastics. She talked so passionately about her parents, how they inspired her to succeed, and how she wanted to pass confidence on to future generations of young women.
SaddleBrooke Sunrise Rotarians went to watch her team compete last year and are committed to doing it again this year. She considers her team as her family and, once on the team, you are part of her team for life. Her team and family mentality are evident in the photo for this article. She insisted that everyone in attendance be in the picture. “We are family,” she said. Thank you, Tabitha, for being an inspiration to all of us.
Come for breakfast and enjoy the fun. SaddleBrooke Sunrise Rotary Club meets every Thursday at the MountainView Bistro, East Room at 8:00 a.m. Join us for informative programs and opportunities for giving back to the community. For more information contact Gary Haslett at 825-4442 or haslettsbaz@wbhsi.net.