Successful Clogging Expo at SaddleBrooke Ranch free classes

The dancers enjoy performing for a crowd.

The dancers enjoy performing for a crowd.

Pat Cox

Over 100 clogging enthusiasts filled the big white tent at the first Clogging Expo held at SaddleBrooke Ranch on April 2. The free program included a demonstration of clogging at various skill levels by students of classes taught by Carol Jones and also featured two SaddleBrooke performing groups.

Coyote Country Cloggers, under the leadership of Director, Choreographer Carol Jones and Caliente Cloggers, directed by Donna Barnard, entertained the crowd with their energetic, foot stomping routines. A guest performance by Carol’s eleven year old granddaughter, Karly Beswick from Simi Valley, California, delighted the audience with her own tap dance routine to Rock Around the Clock. The program concluded with all the cloggers joining together in a grand finale of Bring It On Down.

Anyone interested in learning to clog may contact Carol Jones at or call 520-825-8568. Beginner classes start in October.