Stuck in Grief?

Kristina Turner

Anyone who has experienced the loss of a loved one is facing one of life’s most difficult challenges. There are emotional, practical, and spiritual issues to deal with. Life can become a blur of pain, sadness, anger, and confusion. You can’t rebuild your life in an instant, but you can take steps toward healing and wholeness.

Community Church at SaddleBrooke is sponsoring the GriefShare Program, led by lay persons who have experienced their own losses. At each session, participants will view a video in which counseling professionals address different aspects of the grieving process. After the video you will spend time in a small group discussing the concepts of healthy grief recovery which were presented.

Upcoming sessions of GriefShare will offer preventive measures you can take to ensure that you don’t get stuck in grief, common misconceptions that hinder healing, why grief is so painful, who you are now that your loved one is gone, etc.

These seminars will be held on select Sundays from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m.

For information and reservations contact Cari Block at 858-243-3747 or by email at, or Stuart Bridges at 661-972-4310 or by email at