Sigrid Silverman, social chairperson, left, and Gretchen Kolsrud confer on plans for the May picnic at the April luncheon.
Linda Korger
May is National Physical Fitness and Sports month, a good inspiration as summer weather begins in SaddleBrooke. The risk of stroke and heart disease can be significantly decreased by lifestyle and behavior. Exercise is an important part of that change along with measuring blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol and other factors as determined by your doctor.
The SaddleBrooke Stroke/Neuro Support Group is now in summer mode. The next luncheon is scheduled for the third Friday in June (June 20) at 11:30 a.m. April and May brought spring celebrations including the April lunch at Linda Ascher’s home with lovely setting and views and the Saturday, May 10 annual picnic and barbecue at the home of Esta Goldstein with its unique and welcoming big backyard. Many thanks to Linda and Esta as well as to the many good cooks in the group! The consumers especially consider themselves fortunate!
Abundant opportunities for self-education continue in SaddleBrooke and the Tucson area. Oro Valley Hospital sponsors the May 14 You and Your Thyroid with Leila Wing, M.D., a board-certified endocrinologist and the May 20 Exercise: How Much is Enough? with Greg Koshkarian, M.D., FACC, FACP. Both presentations are from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. at the MountainView Clubhouse Ballroom west. They are free but require RSVP to 520-797-4206.
Pima Council on Aging will hold a Behavioral Health and Older Adults conference on Enhancing Wellness on Friday, June 13 at Casino del Sol Convention Center from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Register online at www.pcoa.org/BHOA-Conference or Behavioral Health and Older Adults Conference, P.O. Box 1789, Sahuarita, Arizona 85629. Cost is $60 prior to May 31 and $75 after May 31 which includes lunch and all materials.
If you are interested in attending our meetings or need more information please call Liz Boyd, co-president at 825-5587, Arrah Jane Hill, co-president at 825-7002 or Linda Korger, secretary at 818-3184. Membership is open to caregivers for persons affected by neurological conditions whether caring for themselves or for a loved one.