State Parties


Sandra Barney

The annual Montana Party will soon be here—April 16, 2016, at 5:00 p.m. in the HOA 1 Activity Center. (Parking is restricted to the parking lot adjacent to the center or above near the clubhouse and fitness center as a courtesy to nearby residents.)

Dinner is Potluck and BYOB (bring your own beverage). A through L brings a salad or vegetable; M through Z brings a dessert. Pulled pork is the main course and provided by the host couples. Paper products, plates, silverware, napkins, cups and glasses will be provided. A donation of $5 per person is requested.

There will be gift bag drawings and Montana Trivia games for entertainment.

Please invite anyone new to SaddleBrooke, either from Montana or those with Montana connections or bring house guests.

RSVP by April 2, 2016, to Sandy and Phil Barney at 468-2532 or email or barnowitz