Spring Softball Champs crowned

Carol Chiarello

The short spring season ran from May 5 to June 29 for the men and women of SaddleBrooke softball. Statistics have been compiled and here are the results:

Monday Recreation League: These two teams were evenly matched until the last game when the eventual winners went wild and scored 14 runs in the unlimited last inning to win the final game. Allstate Insurance – Bruce Unger, coached by Steve Grabell, landed in first place with four wins, three losses. Tim Benjamin led the second place team, A Closer Look Real Estate Inspection, to three wins, four losses.

Monday Community League: Bank of the West, managed by John Sentowski, finished strong with five wins, only two losses. Ron Romac guided the second place team, Ambient Air Heating & Cooling, to two wins, five losses.

Tuesday Competitive League-BRAKEmax, Larry Weber at the helm, cruised to first place with seven wins, three losses. This team scored 245 runs in the season. Curt Shepord managed Barron Electric to a second place finish with five wins, five losses. Coming in third was the Beverly Agnew, DDS team, managed by Bill Spevak and finishing with two wins, six losses.

Tuesday Community League: Bubba J’s, managed by Debbie Seguin, rolled over the competition this season. The winners had seven wins with no losses. In second place, Mike Hamm was in charge of the Brookshier Pools players. Their season was a character-building one with no wins and seven losses.

Thursday Coyote League: Caliber Collision, managed by Jerry Cowart, finished in first place with a record of six wins, four losses. Ron Quarantino led the Bubb’s Grub players to second place with six wins, five losses. They scored 237 runs in the season which was the most of the three teams. Third place went to Canyon Community Bank with Captain Jack Graef leading his team to four wins, seven losses.

Friday Competitive League: Ed Cussick was the leader of the Catalina Smiles Dentistry team finishing first with seven wins, four losses. Central Alarm, Ken Crossman in charge, came in second with six wins, five losses. In third place, Castro Landscape Services LLC, managed by Joe Passoni, ended up with three wins, seven losses.

Friday Community League: Coyote Golf Cars, Manager Rich Hagerty, finished in first place with five wins, three losses. Crystal Tech Vivopools, led by Jerry Cowart, came in second with three wins, five losses.

Summer season is now underway. Yes we play year round! Games are played mornings on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Come on out to the ballpark and cheer on your friends and neighbors in our comfortable stadium seats.

New players may join us anytime of the year. If you have questions regarding playing softball, please contact Ed Cussick at edcussick@msn.com.