Some Singers all dressed up for their 50s Medley Melee! spring concert; photo by Jim Hagedon
Monica Gray
Swing into the SaddleBrooke Singers’ spring concert, A 50s Medley Melee!, to enjoy all your favorite tunes from the 1950s. The Singers are hard at work rehearsing for their concerts to be held on Friday evening March 31 at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday afternoon April 2 at 4:00 p.m. at the DesertView Performing Arts Center. Tickets are on sale at MountainView Country Club for $20 per person, $22 at the door and available online at https://www.tickets.saddlebrooketwo.com/.
The entire chorus will be rocking with a medley of classics including Let the Good Times Roll, Sixteen Candles, Lipstick on Your Collar, Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me and Shake, Rattle and Roll.
Accompanied by our musicians, we will provide driving rhythms, syncopation, great memories of songs we danced to and some chuckles as we recall lyrics — plus, other surprises, too!
Director Tanya Elias-Graf has put together this upbeat spring program featuring your neighbors and friends who are members of the Singers. Accompanying the Singers on piano will be the highly accomplished duo of Janie Grinstead and Carole Whitney, who never miss a beat.
Come roll down Nostalgia Lane with us. If you love 50s music, you won’t want to miss this concert. Feel free to be part of the fun by wearing your favorite 50s outfit (entirely optional) when you join us on March 31 or April 2 and let’s Shake, Rattle and Roll!