Spanish Culture Club news


Elaine Pfeffer

The SBSCC is delighted to welcome a representative of the Mexican Consulate of Tucson as our guest speaker for our monthly meeting at 5:30 p.m., Monday, April 16. Sebastian Alfonso Galvan-Duque Covarrubias has offered to speak about “U.S.-Mexico relations and the role of the Consulate.” Our club meets in the Activities Center at SaddleBrooke One.

We will be hosting a Wine Social for members and guests on Friday, April 20 at the home of Kate Grinnell. Event planners and members, Barbara Levinson and Kate are organizing this event.

We have reserved a table for the annual Cinco de Mayo dinner at the SaddleBrooke One Clubhouse. Watch for specific information direct from SaddleBrooke One’s publication.

At our monthly meeting on March 19, SB resident and featured speaker, Charlie Bouffard, delightfully entertained and informed us with his presentation entitled, “Costa Rica: National Parks and Tropical Rainforest.” During a recent two-week vacation, Charlie set out, armed with camera, to shoot a rarely seen green fowl (“Quetzal”) residing in the uniformly green flora of the Costa Rican rainforest. Utilizing dozens of his magnificent photos and refined sense of humor, he transported us on his quest, culminating in photos of one green-on-green, spectacular Quetzal. What fun!

On March 28, club members enjoyed dinner at Villa Peru on River Rd. near Campbell Ave. Our meal featured an authentic three course Peruvian meal, including the traditional beverage of the Inca natives, Chicha Morada.

The Spanish Culture Club of SaddleBrooke (SCC) is a culture club, not a language club. It is composed of a group of socially and intellectually curious Brookers that seek to expand their knowledge of Latin culture within the “Old Pueblo” and beyond. We aspire to enriching our monthly meetings by including guest speakers and offering potluck tapas buffets. Additionally, monthly Spanish speaking breakfast, lunch and several excursions to local events and restaurants are often scheduled throughout the year.

Spanish-Speaking Only lunches are at noon on the first Monday of each month at the Mesquite Grill. The next lunch will be May 7. All are welcome to drop by and practice your language skills.

Our Spanish-Speaking (optional) breakfast meets the fourth Monday at 8:30 a.m. Upcoming breakfast is on April 23 at the Roadrunner. There will not be a breakfast on Memorial Day, May 28.

Please join us for our next meeting Monday, April 16. We meet monthly at the SaddleBrooke One Activity Center at 5:30 p.m. Bring a potluck dish to share and your beverage of choice. If you choose to become a member, the annual fee is $20 per person. You may send your check, made out to “Spanish Culture Club” to Riley Jackson, 65441 E. Rocky Mesa Dr., Tucson, AZ 85739. For more information, you may contact our membership chair,