Gail Blizard
Term for the day: el bién común (the common good)
The COVID-19 virus is affecting all of us in large and small ways. So much that we take for granted is not currently available to us, from getting together with friends at a club to the more basic ability to find toilet paper. On the positive side, I have seen so many examples of people reaching out to others by sharing scarce resources or just being extra kind. The slowdown from our normally busy lives has given us each a chance to catch our breath, read a book, or even organize that junk drawer.
Sadly, but for the benefit of all, we have put our club meetings on hold at least through April. We will reconvene when the site facilities are open again and common sense makes it reasonable and safe to have a large group together. Spanish-speaking lunches are also on hold until further notice. Please check the weekly “Clubs and Groups” announcements from the HOAs for more up to date information.
When we do start meetings again, we have a great lineup of programs just waiting in the wings: Spanish influence on Mexican cuisine; the culture of tapas in Spain; a taco party; and much, much more!
We are a culture club, not a language club, interested in all aspects of Latin American and Spanish culture, including art, music, and customs. Speaking Spanish is not required; however, if you’re interested in improving your Spanish, there are opportunities to do that as well.
The club meets monthly on the third Monday of the month at the SaddleBrooke One Activity Center. We generally have a potluck dinner followed by our program. Our meetings are conducted in English. Come as a guest and try us out!
If you are interested in joining, have any questions, or would like to attend an event on a trial basis, contact Kay Sullivan at or Susan Durchslag at