Spanish Culture Club News

President Kay Sullivan with Sharon Cotter, who discussed Minga Peru.

President Kay Sullivan with Sharon Cotter, who discussed Minga Peru.

Gail Blizard

Word for the day: voluntarios (volunteers)

As with most groups in SaddleBrooke, it’s the people who make the difference. Last month, we announced our officers for the year. This month the focus is on all the other program chairs and volunteers who make the club so enjoyable to be part of.

MaryJo Swartzberg and Sandy Brooks co-chair the very important committee. They come up with new and entertaining programs for us each month. In addition, we have Susan Durchslag and Elaine Pfeffer taking care of new member registration. Kris Molitor and Susan Durchslag work diligently behind the scenes to make sure we have the plates and utensils to enjoy our monthly potluck dinners. Yours truly publicizes the club activities in our two local newspapers, as well as the weekly Clubs & Groups announcements from the HOAs. And there are many more who pitch in as needed for specific events.

¡Muchas grácias a todos nuestros voluntarios!

We do have one very important volunteer position open, and that is for internal publicity, i.e., our club newsletter. If you are looking for an opportunity to use your writing talents, this is it! The newsletter editor writes and distributes our monthly newsletter highlighting club events and activities, as well as goings-on around town that would be of interest to our members. Contact Kay Sullivan at [email protected].

In our February meeting, we were fortunate to have Sharon Cotter educate and inform us about Minga Peru, a non-profit focused on improving the lives of indigenous Amazonians, especially women and families, through education and guidance. They have operated a radio station for 22 years, broadcasting over 3,000 episodes in prime time and reaching over 120,000 listeners with every episode, changing public discourse on social issues such as domestic violence, HIV/AIDS, the value of gender equality, human rights, and bio-cultural preservation. You can find much more about Minga Peru at

Please join us for our next regular meeting on March 16 at 5:30 p.m. in the SaddleBrooke One Activity Center. We will have a potluck dinner followed by a lively, tasty presentation on Spanish influence on Mexican cuisine by our own MaryJo Swartzberg and Sandy Brooks. I’ve spoken with them and they promise there will be a special culinary treat (that they won’t divulge) provided by the club! Guests are welcome for a donation of $5.

We are a culture club – not a language club – interested in all aspects of Latin American and Spanish culture, including art, music, and customs. Speaking Spanish is not required; however, if you’re interested in improving your Spanish, there are opportunities to do that as well.

The next Spanish-speaking lunch for the season will be on Monday, March 9 at 1 p.m., tentatively scheduled in the Mesquite Grill at MountainView. Audrey Tarchine, [email protected], is the coordinator for these lunches. Please let Audrey know by Friday, March 6 if you are planning to attend, so that she can confirm the location with you and make arrangements with the restaurant.

The club meets monthly on the third Monday of the month at the SaddleBrooke One Activity Center. We generally have a potluck dinner, followed by our program. Our meetings are conducted in English. Come as a guest and try us out!

If you are interested in joining, have any questions, or would like to attend an event on a trial basis, please contact President Kay Sullivan at [email protected] or Membership Chair Susan Durchslag at [email protected].