Spanish Culture Club news

Kathy Volpe

The Spanish Culture Club of SaddleBrooke (SCC) is a culture club, not a language club. It is composed of a group of social and intellectually curious Brookers that seek to expand their knowledge of Latin culture within the old Pueblo and beyond. This is accomplished through monthly meetings that include speakers and tapas buffets, twice-monthly Spanish-speaking breakfasts and excursions to local events and restaurants.

Fun, fun, fun was our September meeting at the home of Kate Grinnell and Brian Smith. The evening was a Wine Tasting party and social event where admission was a select bottle of Spanish or South American vino to share (no Two Buck Chuck for us!) The SCC provided a large sampling of cheeses and platters of fruits and veggies.

You are invited to the season opener October 17 featuring SaddleBrooke’s own Susan Kravitz as our guest presenter. Many of you may have taken Susan’s fabulous music classes through SaddleBrooke Institute For Learning In Retirement. Susan will present an analysis of West Side Story from the point of view of the cultural roles and attitudes of the Hispanic characters in this musical. The season opener is free to guests, but ongoing participation in club events requires membership. Join us at the Activity Center on October 17 at 5:30 p.m. Bring a Tapa to share and a beverage of your choice. Monthly meetings are the third Monday of the month.

Spanish-speaking (definitely not required) breakfasts meet on the second and fourth Mondays at 8:00 a.m. alternating between the Roadrunner and the Bistro. The October 10 breakfast is at the Roadrunner and October 24 at the Bistro.

November’s plans include a program on November 21 at the Activity Center on The Geography and Natural History of Torres del Paine National Park, Chile; an excursion to see the Buenos Aires Tango Company on November 18 at the University of Arizona Centennial Hall and breakfasts on November 14 and 28.

We hope to see you at our season opener. If you choose to join, the annual membership fee is $20. For more information contact President Kathy Volpe ( at 520-818-9174).