The Spanish Cultural Club enjoys a fiesta grande

Booty Pomeroy and Sandy Brooks

On April 22 the Spanish Cultural Club enjoyed a true fiesta Grande complete with food, drink, music and Mexican folkloric dances. A social hour preceded the entertainment allowing members to welcome the many visitors and guests. The club guests were members of SEED, a program offered by the Department of Education at the University of Arizona providing scholarships for indigenous Mexican educators. This program allows them the opportunity to learn more effective teaching methods while enjoying the cultural experience of living in Arizona for one year. Kay Sullivan introduced the teachers who played music, sang and performed colorful folkloric dances.

The maypole dance was particularly colorful with dancers in costume weaving ribbons of various hues around the maypole.

After the performance by members of SEED a buffet dinner was provided by club members bringing to an end our fiesta grande.

More events are being planned for the summer. A trip to Nogales has been organized for May. Excursions to some of the cultural restaurants and exhibitions that Tucson has to offer are also being planned. We will continue to have our Spanish conversation breakfast meetings on the second Monday of the month at the Roadrunner Grill, SaddleBrooke Country Club (HOA 1).

You do not have to speak Spanish to become a member of the club. We offer many exciting cultural and educational experiences to everyone. If you are interested in becoming a member, please contact our membership chair Lorna Michelson at 468-6994 or