SPA Offers Introductory Lessons for Beginners

Shawne Cryderman

Any SaddleBrooke resident is welcome to attend the introductory lesson. The focus of the introductory lesson is to allow people of all ages and skills to have the opportunity to get on the court and play this fun, phenomenal, full of “good times” game.

At the end of the intro lesson, participants will have the knowledge of the basics of the game and be encouraged to join the SaddleBrooke PickleBall Association, Inc. (SPA) and continue with the Assisted Play program.

The only prerequisite or “must have” for the intro lesson is an interest in learning a new sport and the desire to have fun and do your personal best. You do not have to be a member of SPA to take the introductory lesson.

Paddles and balls will be provided. We suggest you do not purchase a paddle prior to attending the lesson since not all paddles are SPA approved.

For additional information and to secure a spot on the introductory lesson roster, please contact Shawne Cryderman at or call 520-818-2690. Additional lessons will be taught later this fall, but let us know now if you are interested.

Lesson Date/Time: Friday, October 2 or Saturday, October 3 from 3 to 5 p.m.

Masks are required for lecture/discussion but not required during play. Social distancing will be monitored and enforced.

Location: Pickleball courts one, two, and three at the Ridgeview courts

Cost: $10 payable the day of the lesson in cash (exact amount) or by check made out to SPA.

Please wear non-marking tennis shoes—no sandals or flip flops, and a visor/cap, sunglasses and sunscreen. Bring water with you to stay hydrated!

Prior to your lesson, please watch this informative video by copying this link: