Are you a talented musician, piano player, choral director? The Sonoran Singers, all SaddleBrooke residents, are a fun-loving group of women who have been a devoted chorus since 2001. Recently, we lost our dear director, Janie Grinstead, when she and her husband made the decision to move back to South Carolina. We currently have a lovely interim director who is helping us until we find someone permanent. We sing mostly popular music in three-part harmony (sopranos, second sopranos, first and second altos) with piano accompaniment. We number between 30 and 40 members. We have entertained in SaddleBrooke and at skilled nursing facilities over the years, and three years ago we gave a free concert in SaddleBrooke.
If you are interested in becoming our director, call our president, Sally Horn, at 520-818-7899 or email [email protected].