Donna DePesa is an American Contract Bridge League (ACBL) Sapphire Life Master.
Joyce Honorof and Barbara Starrett
On Thursday, August 4, 2016, Donna DePesa, an American Contract Bridge League (ACBL) Sapphire Life Master, taught a class on Doubles to the Small Slams Bridge Club. Over 40 people enthusiastically attended the program.
The lecture on Doubles was directed at improving the bidding component of the Bridge game. Specifically, Donna discussed in detail three kinds of doubles that are commonly used in the bridge auction: the negative double, the takeout double and the support double. The participants’ level of playing Bridge was from advanced beginners to advanced intermediate players and Donna was able to present the material in such a way that everyone in the class was able to take away valuable information.
Handouts, spot quizzes and Steve Maltzman, Donna’s bridge partner, accompanied Donna’s PowerPoint presentation. Steve cleverly played Devil’s advocate with provocative questions, which Donna would answer. It was clear that the question was asked to shed more light on the bidding situation being discussed. They complemented each other beautifully.
Small Slams will be having one class monthly. The next lessons are currently scheduled for September 15, October 6 and November 10 by Barbara Feeley Sullenger. All Small Slams Bridge Club lessons are open to any interested Bridge player. More information is available on our website: www.SmallSlamsBridgeClub.com.
Small Slams Bridge Club is an ACBL sanctioned Duplicate Bridge club. It is an invitational game limiting membership to SaddleBrooke and SaddleBrooke Ranch community homeowners and renters and their guests with 0-750 masterpoints. The club is designed for players interested in improving their duplicate game. Newcomers to Duplicate Bridge are welcome but must have a playing knowledge of Bridge. Small Slams Bridge Club is open to ACBL and Non-ACBL members. If you are not an ACBL member, you are encouraged to join at ACBL.org. As a non-member you can still earn masterpoints in club games. Up to 20 points a year can be tracked and awarded when you join the ACBL.
Small Slams Bridge Club has a Bridge game every Thursday afternoon at 1:00 p.m. with sign up starting at 12:30 p.m. in the HOA 1 Activity Center. Walk-in pairs are welcome or you can reserve a place by emailing us at SmallSlamsBridgeClub@gmail.com. No partner? No problem! Email us and we will try to find you one.