Barbara Starrett and Joyce Honorof
Interested in improving your duplicate game? This is the club for you. After the game copies of the hands played are available for you to review along with your bidding which allows you to see what were the best bids and how you could play the hand to the maximum. We are an ACBL* sanctioned invitational game that is limited to players from the SaddleBrooke Community and their guests with 0-750 Masterpoints. Newcomers to Duplicate Bridge welcome but must have a playing knowledge of Bridge.
It is not a requirement to belong to ACBL* to play.
Games are held every Thursday at the HOA1 Activity Center. Sign-in begins at 12:30 p.m. and play starts at 1:00 p.m. Walk-in pairs are welcome. If you need a partner, email us two days before a game and we will try to get you one. Games are $4.
For more information visit our website:
For questions please email us at:
*American Contract Bridge League