Silversmithing and Lapidary Club

Bob Hutton

Sometimes beauty is naturally found, and sometimes a material needs a nudge of creativity. People have found ways of nudging natural materials into articles of beauty, possibly since time began. Some say they couldn’t create anything of beauty—it just isn’t in them. At one point in my life, I would have agreed with them.

We spend our careers making sure details are exact, plans are controlled for expected outcomes, and projects are perfectly steered to predetermined completions. Of course, that was very necessary then. That was our life’s work. But that was “then”…

At this stage of our lives, perhaps we can allow ourselves freedoms we could never enjoy “then.” Freedom to enjoy pursuits in matters of a different nature. Artistic and enjoyable things. Psyche-enriching things. Beautiful things, as well.

Some ways I enjoy creating are woodworking and silversmithing and lapidary. It is amazing how fulfilling it is to produce items of beauty we can share with loved ones. And though these can be made to precise plans, sometimes the most satisfying of them “evolve” as we take our time to allow them to make themselves known. Once we understand safe and possible practices to manipulate the materials in our craft, we can allow the subconscious to add its input into our creative process.

Not only does artistic creation satisfy a need, experts have proven our self-esteem, our relative happiness, and, indeed, our overall health are all enhanced when we include it in our priorities.

We are all different. We find enjoyment in many different pursuits. Have you considered jewelry making? The SaddleBrooke Silversmithing and Lapidary Club can help you start a whole new chapter in your life. You needn’t have any experience, just an interest. Trepidation with a gas torch is common without proper instruction. Beginning classes will give you confidence in the processes and total safety. Many tools are available with the expertise shared for successful outcomes. We meet Wednesdays and Fridays in the Mountainview complex Turquoise Room after 9 a.m. Go to for more info. Look through past newsletters, and you’ll see what we’re about.