Stephanie Thomas
“Thank you for all the times Senior Village has been there for me.”
“Thank you for all the help you have given me.”
“Thanks for your dedication.”
Senior Village often hears these words of appreciation from members as we help them live independently in their homes. Taking in mind the needs of our community and the importance of spreading the word about our services, the Senior Village Board of Directors voted to create a part time, paid position of Publications Coordinator.
While the position will be posted on websites, we also want to advise SaddleBrooke residents of this opportunity. Our community boasts many career professionals whose experience and interests might motivate them to consider applying for this position.
The Publications Coordinator will take on the responsibilities of drafting, editing, and submitting three annual newsletters, a monthly article for the SaddleBrooke newspapers, a monthly short bulletin for the Sunday “Clubs and Groups” email to SaddleBrooke One residents and various publicity flyers. Days and hours will vary depending on upcoming deadlines.
Qualified candidates will have demonstrated skill in word processing such as Microsoft Word, desktop publishing (Senior Village will provide the current Microsoft Publisher software), superior written and oral communication, and the ability to meet deadlines.
Above all, interested applicants must share a passion for the vision of Senior Village and a personal commitment to the mission of “neighbors helping neighbors”. Let us hear from you! Help us spread the Village word together! You may send a letter of your interest/background to