Senior Village at SaddleBrooke – October 2023

We Are GuideStar Gold Certified!

Robin Burns

Senior Village at SaddleBrooke recently earned the Gold Seal of Transparency from GuideStar, the world’s largest database of nonprofit organizations. Less than five percent of nonprofits registered with GuideStar are recognized with a Gold Seal. A Gold Seal status is the leading symbol of nonprofit transparency and accountability.

The Gold Seal means Senior Village has published qualitative information about its goals, strategies, and vision. Senior Village at SaddleBrooke is dedicated to providing current and potential donors with accurate and in-depth knowledge about the many ways we are responsibly advancing our mission and vision with all donations we receive.

GuideStar provides a seal rating (Bronze, Silver, Gold, or Platinum) on all 1.8 million IRS-registered nonprofit organizations. The goal is to provide as much information as they can so that a donor can make his or her own determination of where to donate money. The elements provided on each nonprofit can include:

• Verification of registration with the IRS

• Financial data: annual revenue and expenses, including IRS Forms 990 and independent audit reports

• Mission objectives

• Impact summary from the nonprofit

• Individual reviews from those who’ve volunteered information on the nonprofit

This information can then be used by the nonprofit to encourage prospective donors and by donors to best determine who should get their money. Most information is available free online to website visitors. Additional information and data in downloadable formats are available by subscription.

GuideStar is often utilized by businesses, organizations, and foundations to quickly get information on a nonprofit. GuideStar provides a quick and easy reference about a nonprofit and how it handles donation revenues. Senior Village management and staff are very proud to have earned the Gold Seal of Transparency from GuideStar!

To learn more about GuideStar and Senior Village, visit and search for “Senior Village at SaddleBrooke.”

Something to Think About

Linda Hampton, Executive Director, Senior Village

Have you ever found yourself so lost in thought that you forgot what you were doing? Twice recently I have found myself at the door of my office pushing the button on the key fob that unlocks my car door. I can tell you with certainty that this does not unlock an office door. So, what was I thinking about so deeply? I was thinking about my work with Senior Village.

Senior Village is a remarkable organization dedicated to helping residents of SaddleBrooke. We are focused on SaddleBrooke and only SaddleBrooke and the needs of the nearly 2,000 members who live here. Senior Village is made up of hundreds of volunteers who help in many ways with simple things like changing an air filter. At the other end of the spectrum, volunteers may have profound impacts on the lives of a member—particularly, those who have reached the stage of life where they are less able to care for themselves. It is our hope that everyone who needs to be safer in order to live a more fulfilling life in a place where their daily needs are met will make the decision to enter that next adventure and leave their SaddleBrooke home. It is a tough decision, and Senior Village can help.

Senior Village is generously supported by thousands of SaddleBrooke residents who understand that operating a nonprofit of this scope is not unlike running a business. There are expenses and operating costs that are increasing, just like everything else in this economy. Without the financial support of the SaddleBrooke community, we would not be able to meet the needs of our neighbors. Being ready to help members now and being here for the residents of tomorrow is the financial goal of Senior Village.

There are many ways you can help. At this time every year, we begin our Give Where You Live campaign—a reminder that all donations remain in SaddleBrooke. A talk with your financial advisor may reveal several giving strategies that might work for you. If you have an individual retirement account (IRA), your required minimum distribution (RMD) may be donated to Senior Village and avoid a tax implication. Charitable remainder trusts, charitable lead trusts, and charitable gift annuities are other options to discuss with your financial advisor. Of course, you may also name Senior Village as a beneficiary in your will.

Legacy giving options are a wonderful way to define what is important to you and can be your personal mark on the future of Senior Village. Please don’t hesitate to call me, Linda Hampton, at 520-314-1042, extension 10, if you would like to discuss your giving plans and learn our federal tax ID number. Thanks to each of you who express your appreciation for the work of Senior Village.

To make a donation, you may mail a check to Senior Village, P.O. Box 8584, Tucson, AZ 85738, or you may use the secure website All donations made to Senior Village are tax deductible and qualify for the Arizona Tax Credit.

Senior Village Thanksgiving

Linda Hampton

For most of us in SaddleBrooke, Thanksgiving is a great time to join neighbors and friends for a cordial meal. Perhaps family is visiting, or perhaps you are heading home to be with them. But for others, the prospect of a holiday may be met with dread. Holidays alone can be a lonely time.

Senior Village is aware that some members wonder how they will spend the holiday knowing they would like to share Thanksgiving with others. When old friends and family are distant, Senior Village makes it possible for members to meet new friends and share Thanksgiving with other Senior Village members in a room reserved just for us.

Event particulars, including menu and cost, will be available as the day draws closer. Senior Village has reserved the Cactus Room at the MountainView clubhouse from noon to 2 p.m. Total attendees will be limited to 23. One must be a member of Senior Village to attend.

Please be on the lookout for details on the menu and costs from SaddleBrooke TWO. To reserve your space in the Senior Village room, RSVP by sending a note to [email protected].

At Thanksgiving, we look forward to time together celebrating the bounty of life. Sharing the holiday with others is welcoming and joyful. Senior Village hopes that Thanksgiving will be caring and heartfelt for all. The making of new memories with your Senior Village friends is what we are about.

Senior Village Events in SaddleBrooke

Oct. 14—Health Fair, MountainView

Mark the morning of Saturday, Oct. 14, for the annual SaddleBrooke Health Fair. Senior Village, a sponsor of the Health Fair, will be at the MountainView clubhouse from 9 a.m. until noon.

Meet the friendly people at Senior Village who make it their mission to provide simple, nonmedical services for members and to serve as a resource to the greater SaddleBrooke community.

For more information about Senior Village, call 520-314-1042.

Oct. 16—Music Matinee, 2 to 4 p.m., Ballroom, MountainView

The October Music Matinee, hosted by Senior Village, begins at 2 p.m. in the ballroom at MountainView and features pianist Dan Bergquist and the SaddleBrooke Barbershop Quartet. For anyone who hasn’t experienced a Dan Bergquist performance, you are in for a real treat. Dan combines his love of music with a professional talent that always captivates his audience.

The SaddleBrooke Barbershop Quartet is a group of SaddleBrooke residents who enjoy singing barbershop harmony, which is considered one of the few uniquely American-born musical styles, alongside jazz.

Expect a relaxing afternoon with friends and neighbors who love music. Senior Village offers these free concerts to SaddleBrooke every month to showcase the talent here in our community.

Oct. 23—Men’s Social Hour, East Patio Room, MountainView

There’s always something happening that is worth a discussion. The men of Senior Village enjoy time together every fourth Monday from 4 to 6 p.m. They meet in the East Patio Room at the MountainView clubhouse. Refreshments may be ordered at the individual’s expense. No reservation is necessary. For information, contact David Bull at [email protected].

Thanksgiving Day Reminder: Senior Village has reserved the Cactus Room at MountainView for members who want to share Thanksgiving with other Senior Village members. Room size limits the group to 23. RSVP by sending a note to [email protected]. Details on menu and price will be announced when available from SaddleBrooke TWO.

Dec. 7—Smart Devices for Christmas, 2:30 p.m., DesertView Theatre

Senior Village and the Patrols of SaddleBrooke One and SaddleBrooke TWO offer a presentation that delves into the transformative world of the smart devices that can empower us to maintain our independence while improving our health and safety. Seth Rosenblum, team leader of the Senior Village Home Technology Team, will help you discover how these ingenious devices enable seamless communication, access health care information, give you the ability to contact emergency services, and more. Join the digital revolution that can redefine the golden years.

Senior Village Has Your Back

Andrea Molberg

Thanks to the focused and coordinated efforts of its teams of volunteers, Senior Village has the back of its almost 2,000 members, the majority of whom are older than 80 years. When Senior Village realized that volunteers on different teams were often serving the same families without knowing it, the Support, Moving On, and Forms and Documents Teams started to meet together to share ideas and resources.

The comment, “I’m thinking of a member who might benefit from a particular service,” prompts a volunteer on another team to contact the member and ask whether they might be of help. If a volunteer from the Support Team visits a member, there’s now a place to jot down a note, which other teams can see. Both the members and volunteers find the collaboration extremely beneficial.

The mission of the Support Team is to offer suggestions and resources in a loving environment. They provide consultation and supportive care rather than diagnosis or prescriptions and, importantly, the volunteers honor the members’ ability and the time they need to make decisions.

For example, when a gentleman thought it was time to consider living where he could receive more care, the Support Team saw a need and called the Moving On Team into action. Facing a very difficult decision, the resident often changed his mind—listing his house for sale, then taking it off the market, making an appointment to investigate the right next place, and then not going. His supportive family, who did not live in the area, was concerned about whether he was paying his bills, caring appropriately for his dog, and was on top of his finances.

At the monthly joint meeting, the Moving On Team described in general terms the challenges of working with someone who would not commit. The question: Does anyone have a suggestion? The answer: You mentioned that you saw bills on his table. The Forms and Documents Team could help. What was the outcome? The member recognized his inability to manage his affairs, reached out to his family, and moved to a nice facility in the town where his daughter lives.

The Forms and Documents Team, led by Stephanie Thomas and Dick Schroeder, was started when a woman called Senior Village asking for help after the death of her husband. She explained, “When I told the bank my husband died, they froze all our accounts, and I don’t know what to do.” Senior Village took her to the bank to sort it through. They then began to help others set up accounts so either spouse could access an account if something happened. What a small but important change.

The Forms and Documents Team has now created a manual for Senior Village members who are visited by the team. Planning Ahead for Those You Love is full of blank forms to be filled out by members on their own. Senior Village doesn’t want to know about your finances, but your family does, and the manual’s information and forms facilitate that process.

There are self-reliant members who believe they should manage everything themselves but whose quality of life could be better. Even so, Senior Village never acts without a member’s permission. Team leaders continually evaluate services to see how well Senior Village is serving the community. Seeing a need, the organization adds services, all the while working to ensure that its right and left hands are working together for the benefit (and back) of the members.

For more information about Senior Village membership, call 520-314-1042. If you are already a member and you think you could benefit from the services of another Senior Village team, that same number is the one to call.