Senior Village at Saddlebrooke – Neighbors helping Neighbors

Senior Village Looking for Computer Savvy Administrative Assistant

Stephanie Thomas

If you understand how to command a printer to issue mailing labels, create “merge mail, upload information to a website, or enter checks in an online register, you may be interested in this part-time, paid position offered by Senior Village.

Responsibilities include:

* Upload current driver’s license/auto insurance info into volunteer forms

* Update “Current Dues Paid” in member records

* Maintain Senior Village public website using back end dashboard

* Send online orders for printing: brochures, flyers, newsletters, etc.

* Purchase admin supplies from online sites

* Pick up and deliver Village mail to appropriate board member

* Deliver occasional bulk mail to main Tucson post office

* Take minutes at quarterly board meetings and post online

Qualified candidates will have demonstrated skill in Excel, Word, Teams, Publisher, and website updating as well as attention to detail and deadlines. This would be a fifteen hour a week, part-time contract position.

If you think the admin. assistant position might interest you, please send a letter about your background to

QCO Lets You Decide Where to Direct Your Tax Dollars

Stephanie Thomas

Yes, taxes are inevitable and, yes, they pinch the pocketbook, but the State of Arizona eases the pain with its QCO option. Here’s how it works: state residents may take a credit off their annual Arizona income taxes if they donate to one of the Qualified Charitable Organizations (QCO). Single taxpayers may deduct up to $400 and joint filers up to $800. There is no minimum dollar requirement. Whatever amount you donate, up to the maximum, will be applied as a tax credit.

The Arizona Department of Revenue includes Senior Village at SaddleBrooke as a QCO organization based on the work that the Village does to provide transportation to seniors in our rural area, help our aging residents live independently by assisting them with non-medical tasks in their homes, and offer various activities to counter social isolation. Village volunteers drive over 25,000 miles a year and performed more than 650 household tasks last year.

One Village member recently said, “When we think of all the help and kindness we received from your volunteers, we are so grateful. Your help gave us great peace of mind knowing you were there for us, that we could count on you.”

All contributions to Senior Village stay in our SaddleBrooke community. The Village receives no funding from outside sources. It’s a simple process to apply for the QCO credit: Write a check to Senior Village at SaddleBrooke and send it to PO Box 8584, Tucson, AZ 85738 before April 15th. Claim your tax credit on your state income tax by attaching forms 321 and 301. The Senior Village identification number to include is 20990. Consult your tax advisor if you need guidance.

Contrary to popular belief, Arizona taxpayers do not need to make their charitable contributions to a QCO before Dec. 31 of a given year. In 2020, the deadline for making a charitable contribution for the 2019 tax year under the AZ Charitable Tax Credits is April 15, 2020. Keep in mind the IRS deadlines are different from Arizona’s state deadlines.

Senior Village receives many generous donations from SaddleBrooke residents through the QCO program. Please consider designating the Village as your charitable organization and helping your neighbors as you “give where you live.” For more information or to become a member or volunteer, call 520-313-1042.

CCP Planning for Fall Theater Reprise

Ande Molberg

Community Circle Players (CCP) is proud to announce that our inaugural fall production was a huge success, well-received by the SaddleBrooke Community. Often we heard, “I didn’t know that you produced a fall show!” In fact, we didn’t used to, but in Nov. 2019 we did, and Cookin’ with Gus was definitely a great experience for all involved.

“Gus” was so successful that after consultation with SaddleBrooke TWO, we will definitely be doing a fall show, Nov. 13–19, 2020. The dinner theater production will be several short one-acts performed by multiple performers with different directors. Susan Sterling and Tim Morsani will each direct, as will new-comers to the role of director Connie Ward, David Fuller, and Carol Merlini. Tim Morsani will serve as coordinating director, and Shawne Cryderman will produce this ambitious undertaking.

Parts of all sizes will be available. Auditions will be held April 8th and 9th from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. in MV Ballroom West. Rehearsals will begin Sept. 28th. Multiple shows will rehearse on the same day, but at different times, so actors may perform in more than one production. Behind the scenes support is always welcome and needed. For additional information, please contact Shawne Cryderman at or Susan Sterling at