
Neila Rybicki, Jane Sims, and Lorna Fox

Dottie Adams

By definition, self-preservation is a natural or instinctive tendency to act so as to preserve one’s own existence. What better way to do so than surrounding one’s self with friends, dancing, and great food! That is just what the SaddleBrooke Line Dance Club (SBLDC) did at their Preserve Fond Memories Dance and luncheon on July 21.

A welcome escape from the heat, the 10 a.m. program, open to all dancers, began at the MountainView Ballroom. Sign-ups for the luncheon exceeded the limit once again, attesting to the desire to participate in these enjoyable, well-planned events.

The dancers and leaders kicked up their heels to a two-hour program consisting of a familiar variety of Level 1 routines. The fun did not end there! It was topped off with a 12:30 p.m. luncheon at The Preserve Restaurant.

The menu had a selection of varied dishes, sure to please everyone’s taste. Smoked salmon salad, turkey cranberry brie grilled cheese, fish tacos, and the always delicious Preserve burger satisfied their hearty appetites as they relaxed and enjoyed lunch with friends. Fond memories were “preserved” and a new one made as they took a break from the heat, kicked up their feet, and enjoyed something to eat.

The SBLDC is pleased to welcome over 20 new members since restrictions were lifted in May. Three of the club’s newest members—Neila Rybicki, Jane Sims, and Lorna Fox—would agree it was a memory to be “preserved.”

If you would like to join the SBLDC, check out our website at or contact Kaye Caulkins at Members enjoy a flexible choice of line dance lessons and workshop sessions with no pre-bookings required for the bargain membership fee of $10 per year! Why miss all the fun? Sign up now!