The MountainView Course is in great shape.
Marsha Camp
I’ve been saving the Ace Day winners for a special occasion, today. January’s winners are Shawna Janson with a gross score of 80. Nancy Wylie shot 61 net. You may remember February was frozen out. For March, Debbie Green shot 78 gross and Ann Running scored 63 net. April’s winners were: Kerry Crowell with 81 gross and Mary Floerke with 62 net. Very fine play under stressful conditions (the stressful conditions being a Tuesday playday).
Our Catalina Cup team brought home the trophy. The competition was tough as always and we won by using superior skill, not to mention forbearance in adverse weather conditions. My photo doesn’t capture the team, and for that, I apologize. Eila Sallaberry and Kathleen Houser are to be commended for all their work. Fielding a team for every tournament is no small feat.
Del Sud is another tournament that doesn’t get the credit it deserves. And we had a lot of winners. Congratulations to R/Y tee winners Brenda Brown, Lisa Graf and Kerry Crowell. From the red tees and 1st Flt: Carol Bidwell, Geri Sandilands and Connie Culley; 2nd Flt: Jan Kreis, Deanna McCann and Sandy Collins. From the R/A tees our winners were Sally Drennan, Sherry Fitzpatrick, Bonnie Westra and Sharon Kreutzen.
Apparently we have a Special Sponsor’s Fund. Didn’t know that? I didn’t either. Anyway, I’d say it’s paying off in a big way for eight lucky winners who were randomly selected from players who landed on the green on SaddleBrooke No. 2. How about those unfortunates that didn’t get across the water? What about us?
Once again President Sherry Fitzpatrick has pulled off another record-breaking short meeting on May 7. And the lunches just keep getting better thanks to VP Shelly. The taco bar was delicious with a choice of grilled skirt steak as well as chicken. And is it the little things that make the meal? Of course it’s the little things! Chef Dave invented a new condiment – avocado lime cream. Whether the members tossed it on their salad or a taco, it was wonderful.
Thank goodness Brian McCulloch of Fairway Heating and Cooling was here to coordinate the disbursement of wine prizes donated by the president. He kept an eye on our members to assure that the red wine was delivered to the correct winner. Better luck next time, Connie.
The second segment of our Home and Home and Home was presented by Mountain View/Preserve at MountainView and we had a great time. Their golf course staff has pulled off an incredible feat. This is a course to be proud of. The fairways were in great shape and the greens were running fast and true. Okay, one green still had a bit of Poanna, but wow, what a difference a few months have made! The grilled chicken salad luncheon was excellent and the raspberry and lemon bars were delicious.
So goodnight to Mister and Missus America and all the ships at sea.