Catalina number 6 from the white tees

Catalina number 5 in early morning
Venetia Hobson Lewis
Golf courses are puzzles to many. Think of the course itself as the straight edge pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, their linear bounds forming the holes. Our golf shots, with all their many moving parts and functions, are like the multi-sided jigsaw pieces, with tabs jutting out and hollowed out blanks receiving interlocking pieces. Like completing a puzzle, our shots must fit in order to navigate the course successfully. Perhaps, if we think of the interconnection of each fluid movement of every swing and the interconnection from shot to shot, we won’t be scratching our heads, puzzling, “How could that ball have gone so wrong?”
Once our players got the swing of the rules for Chapman Scotch, our Pick Your Partner Day on July 13 proved no puzzle. Each player teed off, played her partner’s ball for the second shot, and then selected the best ball for alternate play into the cup.
Flighted winners—Flight 1: 1st Connie Culley and Reva Stolpe, 67; tied for 2nd with a 70, Sharon Kreutzen partnered with Geri Sandilands and Sarah Earnest partnered with Marie Kahng.
Flight 2: Tied for 1st with a 65, Kathy DeMerritt partnered with Karen Wendlandt and Sylvia Kastelic partnered with Yolanda Niemann; 3rd Deb Fenton and Cathe Kropp, 69.
Her tee shot resting closer to the pin on Tucson number 2 than all the others at 30 feet, 5/8 inch, Kathy DeMerritt won Closest to the Pin, sponsored by Wendy Harn, attorney and partner of Morris Hall PLLC. Congratulations to all the winners on July 13!
On July 20, a game we all love, Throw out the Three Worst Holes… Whiners. Who doesn’t want to throw out at least three scores for shots that didn’t interconnect like puzzle pieces?
1st Gross winner from the red/yellow tees was Brenda Brown with a gross score of 83.
1st Gross winner from the red tees was Reenie Romey with a gross score of 89.
Flighted Net winners: First Flight: 1st Connie Culley, -2; 2nd Kathy Minx, -1; 3rd Venetia Lewis, even. Second Flight: 1st Pam Bicknell, -7; 2nd Kay Sullivan, -3; tied for 3rd at -2 were Marie Kahng and Joan Chyall. Third Flight: three players tied for 1st at -4, Cathe Kropp, Patty Mawe, and Sylvia Kastelic.
Closest to the Pin on SaddleBrooke number 6 was Joan Chyall, whose tee shot came to rest 13 feet, 10 inches from the hole sponsored by First Inspection Service, Inc., serving local pest control needs. Congratulations to all the winners on July 20!
Jigsaw puzzles have experienced a resurgence of popularity during the pandemic. Piecing together a colorful picture atop a dining room table is an insatiable pastime, but it can’t compare to putting together an outstanding round of golf outside.
It’s time to tee up!