Christine Smith, January 2021 Net ACE Winner

Brenda Brown, January 2021 Gross ACE Winner
Venetia Hobson Lewis
February means hearts and flowers to many of us, but there is another suit in a deck of cards that attracts many of our SaddleBrooke Women’s Golf Association-18 (SBWGA-18) members to play that designated Tuesday—ACE Day.
For January 2021, ACE Queens were invested on Jan. 20. Brenda Brown wears the crown of January Gross ACE Winner with a gross score of 79, and Christine Smith wears the crown of January Net ACE Winner with a net score of 65. Winners in the various flights are: Red/Yellow Flight, Helen Graham (gross) and Debbie Green (net); Red Flight 1, Lisa Graff (gross) and Kathy Minx (net); Red Flight 2, Maggie Falconer (gross) and Venetia Lewis and Judy Briney tied for net; Red Flight 3, Judy Fick (gross) and Mary Floerke (net); Red Flight 4, Nancy Huffman (gross) and Jan Kreis (net); Red Flight 5, Kay Cruise (gross) and Ann Stonecipher (net); Red Flight 6, Barbro Sultan (gross) and Yvonne Lecornu (net); Red/Aqua Flight, B.J. Murray (gross) and Sylvia Kastelic (net).
Jan. 20 also launched the optional Gross and Net Skins Games. Gross Skins in the Red/Yellow Flight went to Helen Graham, Brenda Brown, Debbie Green, and Reenie Romey. Gross Skins in the Red Flight were won by Eila Sallaberry, Maggie Falconer, and Kay Sullivan. Net Skins were won by Brenda Brown, Eila Sallaberry, Kay Sullivan, Kay McCollom, and Cathe Kropp. Fine play by all on ACE Day, ladies.
President’s Cup, SBWGA-18’s only match play tournament, began its elimination matches in late January and the ultimate winner will be inaugurated on or around Feb. 2.
Also to be played in February, Sadie Hawkins is a one-day tournament in which a SBWGA-18 member pairs with a male golfer from within SaddleBrooke, a really fun day.
Upcoming in March are three major tournaments, all contested at once. In former years, our Club Championship and Senior Club Championship were held together and the next tournament, Cactus Classic, was later in the year. In 2021, all three major tournaments will be played at once, over three days of competition.
Every month, however, ACE Day is played. Who will be crowned February Gross ACE and Net ACE? To whom will Brenda and Christine bequeath their scepters? Whose eyes will gleam like diamonds for having played her best on ACE Day? We’ll all find out in a few weeks.
Until then … it’s time to tee up!