Saying Goodbye to Winter, SBWGA Style!

Ret Convey

Our SaddleBrooke Women’s Golf Association (SBWGA) players were overjoyed to put away long underwear, ear muffs, and hand warmers and welcome beautiful weather for our spring kick-off tournament: the Member/Member.

May 6 and 7 were two beautiful days for the ladies to play golf with one another and enjoy a delicious lunch of chicken fajitas with beans and rice, and flan for dessert.

The flower-themed tournament organized to perfection by Eila Sallaberry, Judy Briney, and Ruth Irving was just what we needed after a long winter, and we thank them for a great time!

Our first place winners were: Poppy Flight: Ousley and Kunze; Sunflower Flight: Beebe and Green; Rose Flight: Duxbury and Sandilands: Marigold Flight: CJ Johnson and Kreis; and Daisy flight: LeCornu and Kagayama.

Congrats to all our winners!

We’d like to thank our sponsor, First Inspection, for your support. We appreciate your generosity.